Profit Meet Passion

The Most Exciting Return On Investment

Grow Your Business While Catching Bucket List Fish


Events that will change you and your business forever.


Everyone needs a guide when they are doing something unknown.


Self-paced business courses and accountability when you get stuck.


Join a brotherhood of like-minded businessmen and investors.

Our Vision

"More" just leads to burnout. We help you focus on being "Better" in every part of your life.

Years ago I had the honor of being the best man at my friends wedding. We decided on Costa Rica and spent nine days having the time of our life. We all intended to just rest and relax, to retreat from the constant battles from our business and responsibilities with our families.

During that time one by one we opened up about what was really causing problems in our life. Some problems that were never shared with anyone.

Each of us did our part to share our wisdom and perspective to help one another. As one of my friends stated for the first time in a long time he felt like the elephant was off his chest.

As business owners we find ourselves in high stress high intensity environments regularly. Never give up, never surrender is our motto. Sometimes a retreat is the best thing to bring clarity in one’s life.

I decided to start doing these retreats

It is my belief that men build strong bonds through struggle and adventure. My outcome for starting these retreats is to serve entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses while having a feeling of camaraderie.

No matter where you start with Catching Profit, Whether it is the book, group, free training, mentorship or any other way. We hope you end up joining us in person.



A big business starts small!

Solving The Root Causes

It is arrogant and risky to assume that one tactic or one strategy will work for every company. Business owners focus all their attention on the symptoms, but never identify the root causes that is creating so much anguish in their business. You need to find out why your sales are slowing down, why your employees are not following your direction and why customers are no longer buying from you.

Catching Profit offers an innovative approach that helps entrepreneurs identify, understand, and address these root causes so that scaling becomes possible without fear or hesitation. We get into the nitty-gritty of your business and find what’s really keeping you stuck. We show you what needs to be done first and how to execute on them.

We help you see and identify the desired outcomes of your business and adopt the proper mindset for strategic decision making.

Breaking Bottlenecks

Put out the fires once and for all in your business so you can focus on the things that count. Growth, revenue and profitability.

Business Automation

Save money by automating repetitive tasks that would otherwise cost you valuable staff hours and focus on growing the business.

Team and Culture

Build a team of top performers and get more done with less effort. Creating a culture of excellence will allow employees to perform their best.

Decision Making

Having accurate data at your fingertips will give you the confidence to make the right choice when growing your business.

Customer Acquisition

Find your perfect customer with ease and confidence by knowing what marketing channels are performing best and bringing in sales.

Asset Protection

Protect yourself from employees and customers so you can create wealth and protect the assets that are built through your hard work.

What Top Of Business Understand That You Don’t

Watch Our Free Training

I promise it will be the most rewarding experience you have ever spent working on your business.


San Diego

Join us at our Introductory Breakthrough Event. No matter how big or small your business you'll leave with life changing insights, proven strategies and battle tested tactics to improve your bottom line.

Costa Rica

I fell in love with Los Suenos 15 years ago and I've been going back ever since. The perfect place to "Retreat" and decide on the next 90 Days what to improve in your business.


Let us improve your business!

Nothing will help you achieve your business outcomes faster than help from someone who has already achieved the result you want. Get immediate guidance with tough decisions, conflicts, expanding, asset protection, sales, strategy, business automation… whatever you need to get to the next level.


Our Done With You Courses will help you achieve a specific result without unnecessary time invested.

Bottleneck Breaker

Experienced UX and Web designers, crafting innovative digital solutions for clients worldwide.

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Weird Selling

From Scared to Ask for the Sale to the Close Being the Easiest Part

Sales should not feel hard and manipulative. Our duplicatable system has help generate 10’s of millions for Eric’s businesses and his clients. The simple to understand modules give you a path to immediately improve incrementally. 

Weird Selling - resize
Automate & Exit

Experienced UX and Web designers, crafting innovative digital solutions for clients worldwide.

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Feel Like a Bluefin Swimming with Bluegill?

One of the most important factors when it comes to growing a business is to surround yourself with likeminded individuals that will help bring each other up.

YouTube Channel

Videos to transform the way you think about business and life.

Facebook Group

Share your challenges and successes along your entrepreneurial journey.

Slack Support

Need personalized support with the ever changing issues in business?

Available in 2022

Catching Profit:
Chasing The Big One

by Eric Michael Collins

Arriving In facilisis, mi id mollis accumsan, masm magna quam sed metus. Duis pellentesque massa nec dapibus tempus. Etiam venenatis odio vestibulum purus lacinia, vitae scelerisque lacus consequat. Vestibulum at tempus– donec sit amet urna lorem ipsum lorem!

Eric Michael Collins

"Because He's Owned Real Businesses"

Dozens of Industries

Eric has owned and operated dozens of business all over the world.

100's of Success Stories

If knowledge isn't applied it is just worthless trivia. The best part of what Eric does is hearing the measured improvement his client's experience.

No Theory

What Eric teaches has been learned over two decades of execution, testing and improvement.

Data Driven

Feelings are for Family. Data is for Business. Nothing happens overnight but it sure does happen quicker with the right data.